This is an account of the greatest road trip in the history of the world. If you disagree, I will fight you.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Here is a list of the rules we have so far. Now, we still have a few weeks before we leave, so these might change.
RULE #1 (The rocking rule)
Rock! At all times, at all places. Always rock.
RULE #2 (The cell phone rule)
a. No cell phones in the car. As a matter of fact, they cannot even be turned on in less they are in the process of being used for official roadtrip business (e.g. contacting a stadium or a place to sleep that night or a brewery).
b. No cell phones in any circumstance where there is something better going on.
c. Anything besides when one person is going to the bathroom or taking a sh(m)ower is considered something better going on.
RULE #3 (The keeping Geoff happy rule)
No less than one (1) Blink 182 song must be played each day.
RULE #4 (The beer rule)
Whenever possible one must try the local, less-known, beer instead of a beer that one is already familar with. Also, that empty bottle should be collected.
RULE #5 (The anti-Cathy Shook rule)
There will be no stopping to go to the bathroom. There will be stopping for gas, food, photos, to visit random local attractions and on these breaks the restroom may be visited however going to the bathroom will never be a reason for a stop, it just does not rock enough.
RULE #6 (The grassroots rule)
Whenver possible the Dodger game or the Angel game must be playing on the XM radio. Unless, of course, this conflicts with Rule #3.
RULE #7 (The what happens on the roadtrip stays on the roadtrip rule)
Any incriminating stories must be approved by both parties before it is published on the blog, recorded in an email, or shared to another party in any other sense.
RULE #8 (The God Bless America rule)
Whenever we are on foreign soil (i.e. in Canada) we play as many "American" songs as possible. Unless, of course, this conflicts with Rule #3
RULE #9 (The wingman rule)
Never leave a fellow roadtripper behind. See also: Rule #1.
Bylaw to Rule #1: In order to insure that we are in the right mental state to rock at all times within the first hour of driving every morning Person A must ask Person B, "You wanna ROCK?!?". To which Person B replies by simply playing I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister at the highest allowable volume and, if possible, with all the windows rolled down.